Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Varieties of Wine Rack Design Plans

By Dan Green

There are many DIY wine rack plans that are offered through magazines, books and online resources. These wine rack design plans can be as complicated or simple as the person looking for them desires. They can be very simple plans that do not require much in the way of cutting the boards to size or other carpentry skills. Often the wine rack design plans will be in a kit of materials that are already pre-cut and formed to be put together by the user. There are other wine rack design plans for those that are more comfortable with their metal working or carpentry skills so that the wine rack comes out to be as beautiful as it is functional.

There are some wine rack design plans that are for people who host a lot of wine tasting parties or wine and cheese events. There are wine rack tables that offer a substantial amount of space at the top of the table for wine glasses, bottles and food to sit while still providing ample space underneath for the storage of fifty or more bottles of wine. These wine rack tables are sometimes used in a restaurant setting, while in other cases they are used in homes where wine tasting or parties are common.

There are other wine rack design plans that are for corner wine racks. These are much smaller wine racks that are made to fit neatly into a corner space of a kitchen or dining area. Sometimes these wine racks are also used in a living room or den area since they often have a flat space on the top of them for pouring the wine and host the wine glasses underneath along with the wine bottles.

There are also wine rack design plans for shelf wine racks and hanging wine racks that can be used in the kitchen or dining room. The hanging wine racks are usually a shelf that hosts the wine bottles on the top of it and the wine glasses underneath it.

These wine racks hold the bottles of wine at a forty-five degree angle so that the wine is in constant contact with the cork, thus providing a tight seal to the bottle.The countertop wine racks are small versions that only hold a few bottles and sit on the countertop as the name implies.

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