Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

What Is The Dirty Secret Behind Omega 3 Capsules?

By Peter Leigh

Fish oil capsules, or what are otherwise known as Omega 3 capsules, are good for you. Right?

Not necessarily.

That's not to say that the Omega3 fatty acids found in fishoil capsules aren't good for you.

In fact there is ample evidence from hundreds of different studies that the Omega3 fatty acids are essential to good health in a number of different areas.

Amongst other things a sufficient supply of the Omega3 fats can prevent you dying from heart attack, and that has to be as good as it gets. And it's not just heart health, there's a range of other areas of your health that may also benefit from an increased intake of the Omega3 fats.

And jfor this reason many people are taking fish oil capsules believing that they are doing them good. And the Omega 3 fatty acids found in the fish oil capsules are.

But that doesn't mean that the fish oil capsules themselves are all that good.

Huh? Surely if Omega 3 fats are good for you, and Omega 3 fats are found in fish oil capsules, then fish oil capsules have to be good for you?

Not necessarily.

You see it is now commonly known that fish are contaminated with a range of industrial toxins including Mercury and PCBs. For that reason the government warns us not to eat too much fish.

And some fish oil capsules have been found to contain PCBs, and in fact there is now a lawsuit about just this.

In 2010 a lawsuit was launched against a range of manufacturers of Omega3 supplements alleging that they have failed to warn consumers of the risks of toxins found in their capsules as required by proposition 65 in California.

This is a little scary. Obviously it pays you to take a little time when choosing your fish oil supplements.

The good news is that there are excellent, high quality and completely clean Omega 3 capsules available. Knowing how to choose them is what counts.

To find out how visit my website.

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